
Goodbye SysAdmin Magazine

Got a card in the mail today saying that SysAdmin magazine was going out of print as of August 2007. The magazine covered Unix Systems Administration, and had a bevy of articles every month for Solaris, AIX, and Linux. I had been subscribing to the magazine since I had worked at Red Hat back in 1997 or so.. and had a couple of articles I was going to submit this fall for possible publication. I had noticed the magazine had gotten thinner and thinner over time.. my guess was that circulation was increasingly down as less Unix systems were around and more people get their information from the web. However the articles were surprisingly useful at times when I needed to figure out some arcane Unix issue that only occurred on version X.Y of Bubonix.
The good point, they are offering to fulfill my subscription with a CD-rom of all issues in pdf format from 1994 to 2007 so I will be able to have my back issues available for grepping about how to handle our aging AIX and Solaris boxes here at the University. The bad point will be that I will have to find out where to get up-to-date Systems Administration information these days. I should probably join LOPSA or SAGE again to see what they offer. Off to find out what magazines are good these days.. and what I can afford on a University salary.

I will try to put up my articles on puppet and computer security sometime in the future.

Thankyou to the editors and writers of the magazine over the years. You have been very helpful.