
CentOS Linux 7: End of Life 2024-06-30

CentOS 7 EOL

If this looks a lot like the CentOS Stream 8 EOL content.. well it is because they aren't too different. It is just that instead of doing this once every 4 years, we get to do this twice in one year.
The last CentOS Linux release, CentOS Linux 7, will reach its end of life on June 30th, 2024. When that happens, the CentOS Infrastructure will follow the standard practice it has been doing since the early days of CentOS Linux:
  1. Move all content to https://vault.centos.org/
  2. Stop the mirroring software from responding to EL-7 queries.  
  3. Additional software for EL-7 may also be removed from other locations.

The first change usually causes any mirror doing an rsync with delete options to remove the contents from their mirror. The second change will cause the yum commands to break with errors. The vault system is also a single server with few active mirrors of its contents. As such, it is likely to be overloaded and very slow to respond as additional requests are made of it. 

 At the same time, the EPEL software on https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7 will be moved to /pub/archive/epel/7 and the mirrormanager for that will be updated appropriately.

In total, if you are using CentOS Linux 7 in either production or a CI/CD system, you can expect a lot of errors on July 1st or shortly afterwords.

What you must do!

There are several steps you can do to get ahead of the tsunami of problems:
  1. You can convert to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and see about getting a Extended LifeCycle Support contract with the system. This is a stop gap measure for you to move toward a newer release of a Linux operating system.
  2. You can move your system to a replacement Enterprise Linux distribution. The Alma Project, Rocky Linux, Oracle and Red Hat all offer tools which can transition an EL7 system to a version of the operating system they will support for several years.
  3. If you are not able to move your systems in the next 45 days, you should look at mirroring the CentOS Linux 7 operating system to a more local location and move your update configs to use your mirror. With the large size of systems which could potentially try to use the vault system, I would not expect this to be very useful. As you will probably need to reinstall, add software or do continuous CI/CD in other areas.. you should keep a copy of the operating system local to your networks.


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